A Dog Has Died Pablo Neruda Analysis of “The poem…reflects the choices consciously or unconsciously made concerning the subject positions, community affiliations, and meaning making activities of self understanding, represented in written language. Poetic identity (or range of identities)…can be interpreted in the writing…of the poem” (Hanauer, 59). There are many ways of interpreting poetry: some are viable, some are not; some work with specific poems only, others are good for general study. Looking at a poem as a “window to the soul of the poet” is often a dangerous psychologi cal game, where we more often than not, invent the person behind the poem. “Dangerous” here, referring to the danger of untruth , or in the case of poets we know, the danger of misjudgment. However, psychoanalysis through poetry can be done, only carefully and with great room for error. Oftentimes, the poet’s meaning does not come across perfectly in his/her poetry, especially when it comes to more a...
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